Turnkey Solutions

Sewage Treatment Plants

We, at Shrishti Parva, can help you find the right solution for managing the sewage generated with the right sewage treatment technologies. We deal with the following technologies for the best sewage treatment

Erection, commissioning and revamp of STPs with following technologies:

  • Membrane BioReactor (MBR): Superior quality of treated water in terms of organics and nutrients with minimal foot print area can be achieved. Completely automatic system thereby reducing the personnel for supervision. It can be retrofitted in the existing treatment system depending on the structures. Tertiary treatment other than disinfection is not needed.
  • Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR): This process combines both aeration and clarification system thereby reducing the foot print area. Complete automation can be done reducing the personnel for supervision. Operation and maintenance will be smooth but requires tertiary treatment according to the quality of feed water.
  • Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System (DeWATS): This system combines the anaerobic (septic tank) treatment with constructed wetland/reed bed system. Aesthetically superior technology which can deliver pristine quality of treated water at very low running cost. Customized design according to the space availability can also be done.

All type of Environment Management Plan (EMP), Green auditing, adequacy and feasibility reporting of wastewater treatment plants.

Effluent Treatment

The wastewater treatment plants especially with Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) are becoming the norms today not only for arresting the contamination of natural resources but also improving the water conservation. Industrial trade effluent treatment and recycling plants for a wide range of industries such as pharmaceutical unit, textile unit, leather processing unit, food processing unit, etc., are dealt with following technologies as per the requirement to meet the effluent recycling and discharge standards:

  • Coagulation (Clari-flocculation or Electrocoagulation): The primary treatment of industrial effluent will be done to remove the suspended solids and its associated organic contamination. Depending on the type of wastewater we propose either chemical coagulation or electrocoagulation whichever appropriate. In either way, the sludge collected have to be managed properly. In some cases the sludge can be recycled depending on it quality.
  • Biological treatment (MBBR, SBR, MBR, UASBR): In biological treatment we deal with both aerobic and anaerobic (bio-methanation) systems which are selected based on the organic load and biodegradable factor. The recalcitrant pollutants are to be made biodegradable for efficient functioning of this system. The ETP system can be designed and constructed as per the requirement meeting the discharge norms.
  • Physical separation: In this process of effluent treatment, we implement the following technologies for effective functioning of ETPs; Ultrafiltration (UF), Reverse Osmosis (RO), Multiple-Effect Evaporator (MEE) with Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD) , Advanced Treatment (Advanced Oxidation, Ozonation). These systems form the tertiary treatment of an ETP but in some cases especially effluent with high recalcitrant load this can be made as primary treatment according to the requirement.

Mineral Water Plant

Erection and commissioning of drinking water RO plant of all flow rate and capacities with complete lab set-up, fully automatic washing and bottle blowing units. The package can be customized as per the requirement.

Solid Waste Management

We provide solutions for managing the solid wastes generated within a premise from segregation to treatment and disposal, be it hazardous/non hazardous or recyclable/non-recyclable wastes.

On-site treatment facility for organic wastes are also provided by us using following technologies:

  • Bio-digester: Waste to Energy (biogas) – Highly rich organic wastes from mixed food waste to slaughterhouse and meat waste can be handled by the bio-digester. The biogas generated can be used either for thermal application (cooking stoves) or electrical applications (biogas generator). We have solutions for enriching the methane content of the biogas thereby increasing its fuel efficiency.
  • Machine composting: Waste to manure (OWC): Organic Waste Composting machines are compact and can convert all the organic inputs such as, dry vegetable and food wastes, garden wastes, etc., into powder within 24 hours or 14 days depending on the type of process. The final powder can be used as manure mixing with soil in right proportion.
  • Vermi-composting: Waste to manure (Earthworm): Vermi-composting is the natural way of waste composting process, easy maintenance but requires large area depending on the volume of waste. The vermi-compost are rich manure for trees and plants.

Rain Water Harvesting We provide complete solution from design to commissioning of Rain Water Harvesting system for residential, commercial and industrial buildings.

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